Click for audio: The Call From Home

Hitherto we have turned our heart and efforts toward the external for fulfillment of our desires and for satisfaction, and we have been grievously disappointed. The hunger of everyone for satisfaction is only the cry of the homesick child for its Father-Mother God. It is only the Spirit’s desire in us to come forth into our consciousness as more and more perfection, until we shall have become fully conscious of our oneness with All-perfection. Man never has been and never can be satisfied with anything less.  –Emilie Cady

One of the outstanding features of the Unity teachings is their ability to instill the feeling of familiarity. Though I was quite young when I discovered this work of Cady’s that we are now considering, something in me felt like it had come home, like a lost connection I had forgotten had been restored.

By social and cultural default, we have been trained to seek outside of ourselves the remedy to the inner homesickness, that sense that something deep and important is missing. In truth, nothing is missing. We have simply been trained to look in all the wrong places for the satisfaction we instinctively crave. Like the prodigal son, we have pursued this missing something in the far country of positions of authority, money, relationships, and a host of other things that promise but fail to satisfy our longing for home.

When we read or hear words from home, we know they are true. Everything in our being recognizes them. We need no one to confirm that they are true. We know they are true. The prodigal son was not advised to go home. He reached a point where he knew he was away from his real home. Severe lack forced him to come to himself, arise, and go to his father.

His decision to return home resulted in his being clothed in abundance. Heeding the call from home, his homesickness was cured. The power of this parable lies in the fact that it is about you and me.