Click for audio: The Attracting Power of Love

Today we’re looking at love as an attracting power, but along with the power of attraction there also comes the need for dissolution. Love is an attracting force, a healing power, as well as an energy that dissolves unwanted conditions in our life.

It’s helpful to realize that love is not something we do; it is something we are. We try to love others around us and we are not always successful. This is because we see love as a thing we have to give or withhold rather than as the essence of our being. The closer you get to your real Self, the more loving you are … without even trying.

Our anticipated Messiah is that level of our being that opens to the Infinite. James tells us to “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you” (4:8). This also makes perfect sense when you realize that God is that deeper level of your being, that fountain of life and love that yearns to rise into your conscious mind, to impart the peace, the love, and the joy that bring new meaning into your life.

Because love is an attracting power, think lovingly of your goals and desires. Imagine love opening the way for your good to manifest, drawing to you the right ideas, the right people, the right circumstances to clothe your desires in their material counterpart. Think of yourself as love in action, a harmonizing vibration that draws the good you want and dissolves that which is not for your highest and best.

When you think of areas in your life you would like to change, imagine love doing its perfect work to bring about changes in ways you understand and appreciate, ways that are clear and easy. Scripture tells us that the crooked places will be made straight when the Lord goes before us. This is the work of love.

Love working through you is the greatest attracting power and the greatest power to call upon to dissolve unwanted conditions. Affirm your openness to Divine love and see what it will do with you.