YouTube: Open Your Mind

Audio: Open Your Mind

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name …

In this first line of the Lord’s Prayer, we are exposed to three important ideas. We can think of these ideas as a preparatory mindset that opens us to receive.

Our Father suggests a loving relationship with God. Jesus was raised in a culture that taught God was punishing. He taught that God would not give you a serpent if you ask for a fish, or a stone if you ask for bread. This form of address carries the idea of God as a supportive parent. How different this is to the thought that we may not be deserving or worthy of the good we ask for. We are to approach God as if God were a loving parent.

Who art in heaven, carries a meaning that is not readily apparent to one who thinks of heaven as a place in the sky. Jesus compared heaven to yeast in bread dough and a mustard see that expands into a tree. Heaven carries the idea of expansion. When you pray, open your mind to new possibilities. Let go of your old perceptions. Allow your level of expectation to expand into the realm of infinite possibility.

Hallowed be thy name is an affirmation of God as wholeness. The wholeness you seek, whether it is in the form of health, a solution to a problem or a prosperity challenge is present right now. Wholeness is the nature of God. In other words, act as if that which you seek, that which is for your highest good is already present. You become receptive and expectant of this good.

Become conscious of these three ideas. Practice them all even if you do not use this exact prayer. They will help open your mind to the good you desire.