Click for audio: Christ In You

The mystery hidden for ages and generations but now made manifest … which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:26-27

The idea that the Christ could abide within and as the very essence of the individual has indeed been a great mystery to many. The reason is that we have so associated Christ, the spiritual dimension within every person, with Jesus, the man of history. To have Christ in us has come to mean our thinking about Jesus and our attempts to guide our behavior to become more like the ideal that we believe he taught. But it is so much more than this.

Your spiritual heart, that center of life that rises from the Infinite and individualizes as you, is your hope of glory. Jesus discovered this center in himself and he encouraged others to follow him in doing the same. Because we have lost our conscious connection with God, we have created a savior-oriented theology, one that looks outside for help in times of need. Jesus was clear that we all have our own personal instructor, a “Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things” (Jn. 14:26).

It is Biblical terminology and religious preconditioning that confuse us in our quest to understand God. If we could lay down these spiritual blinders and, as Emilie Cady suggested, dare to “stand alone with our God”, our progress toward a clear and workable understanding of our relationship with the Infinite would be quickly enhanced.

To realize Christ in you is to awaken to the very intelligence that produces the natural world, the process that is producing and sustaining your existence at this very moment. This awakening, this new birth, brings your mind into alignment with divine wisdom, love and harmony which begin unfolding through you as prosperous and healthy conditions.

Christ in you is your hope of glory. Seek this inner dimension often and all your life will shimmer with newness and beauty.